My Grandfather Rawlins Brother "Joseph Sharp Rawlins"

Joseph Sharp Rawlins son of James Rawlins and Jane Sharp. he was Born 9 April 1832 [1823] in Green County Illnoise. He was married to Mary Frost in 1844. Three children were born to this union, Nancy Jane, Mary E. Joseph L. Joseph L. served as United State Senator from Utah and was instrumentor in bringing Utah into the Union.

The year following their marriage Joseph S. and wife Mary (or Aunt Polley) as she was called They were converted to the teachings of Mormonism and joined the Latter Day Saint Church They came to Utah in a train of fifty wagon's in 1848 leaving Omaha on the 12th day of April 1848 and after a journey of just six months arived in Salt Lake City on 12 Oct 1848. They at once moved to Mill Creek Ward where they lived about two years, and from there moved to Draper where they lived 20 years.

During this time Joseph S. crossed the plains seven times, bringing three Companies of emigrants to Utah, and also served for three months as guard in protecting the United States overland mails serving under Captain L. Smith with rank of Licutenant. While living in Draper he married Hannah Stringfellow in 1865 She was a daughter of Joseph and Lucy Tagg Stringfellow. she was born 12 Mar 1837 at Hucknell Huthwaite Nottingham Shire England. She was previously married in England in 1854 to George Stringfellow by whom she had three children, Lucy Richard Henry and George. Her Husband died while she was in England. She joined the Church and came to Utah to geather with her children in 1864 and in 1865 she was married to Joseph S. Rawlins in whose company she crossed the plains and by whom she had six children, Martha Sephrona, B. 12 March 1866, James R. B March 5 1868, Hannah M. B. 15 April 1870, Samuel W. B. 9 Mar. 1872, Harvey Sharp B 28 Dec 1873, Lilly Permelia B. 14 Feb 1877.Hannah Stringfellow Rawlins and her family lived in Draper for the remainder of her life. She died 8 Oct 1896.

Joseph S. and his first family moved to South Cottenwood ward to a farm containing fifty acers, and here he lived during the remainder of his life. He was appointed Bishop of this ward in 1870 and retained this position as long as he lived.Politically the family have been Democrats for generations back our subject was at the time of his death serving his second tearm as County Commissioner being elected both times on the Democrat ticket. His son Joseph L. recieved his election as Senator from this party and his son James R. is now serving as County Commissioner being elected on this same ticket. During his life time Joseph S. Rawlins was most active in all matters having for their object the betterment of conditions in Utah.

He assisted in constructing the East Jordan canal and held the office of President of the company as long as he lived. He also did considerable railroad contracting assisting in building the first railroad to enter Utah, and also the road across the Jorden Narrows during the Johnston army troubles he was Captain of the army, and also participated in many of the Indian up risings in Utah.

His death occurred 13 Oct 1900 and he was laid to rest amidst univeisal mourning, his manly and upright living to geather with his charitable and Hospitable nature, endearing him to all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. This was written and put in to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers in Draper.

Written By Lilly Permelia Rawlins Brown. copied by Eulalie L Taggart


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