Hello Rawlins and Related Family
It has been several years since we have written to inform you of progress we are making in the area of Family History. We would to present our goals for the future, also.
In the last Rawlins newsletter we announced that we were going to put the research report and copies of the sources on the www.rawlins.org web site and since that time we have also established a secure site called MyFamily.com Rawlins and Allied Lines To access this last site you need to be invited and receive a user name and password. Any member of MyFamily.com Rawlins and Allied lines can invite you.
In August 2001, Bert's last report concerning his research on our Sharp grandparents line was installed on MyFamily.com. Bert was able to personally visit some of the record depositories and see the original documents. Some of the mysteries were cleared up and some mistakes corrected.
Bert is now ready to present a new report which will cover our elusive uncle, Hosea Rawlins married to Martha Cotton. Hosea is a brother to our Grandfather, James Rawlins
We realize many of you do no have computers and we also know the difficulty of finding what you want on that computer. [I can personally testify to that. JR] So we are proposing that each family select someone who has a computer and computer savvy who will assume the responsibility of seeing that all members of that family receive the research information. Lindsay's theory was that every family member should have a nodding acquaintance of their ancestors, so they won't be surprised when they meet them after they pass beyond the veil. We will send out letters to key members of all families to help spread the word as well as posting it on both web sites.
All this new research by many very skilled family researchers is the good news. The problem news is the empty research finance fund. Death certifcates, film rental and other documents all cost money. Some have expressed a desire to help fund our Rawlins research. We hope that many others will have a desire to do so also. In order to facilitate the collection of this fund, we have set up a post Office box. The Address is: Rawlins Research, Post Office box 50, and Lewiston, Utah, 84320-0050
We know that there are many skilled family history people out there and we would love to hear of any new information or research clues that you have. You can send it to that same box number or Julia's email address.