No end to efforts!

As we continue to grow as a family we find there is always research to do.

We are in the midst of a new Rawlins family book and will meet on July 4th in Lewiston to discuss ways we can each contirbute.

For the more adventurous of us we plan to visit Minnetonka Cave near Bear Lake on July 3rd.

A Pit BBQ will be held at Julia's home later in the day.

We hope to see you there!








Our continuing efforts...

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July 2010 Gathering

Dear Cousins,

It's been a hard winter, but the sun is shining and we're ready to go to work. We're still planning a Rawlins Cousins' Party on Sunday, July 4 at 5:00 at the Rawlins Homestead in Lewiston at 411 South Main. The Fourth of July Celebration in Lewiston will be on Monday, July 5th, but we wanted to meet on Sunday afternoon.

We're going to have a potluck. We'll have leftover Pit Barbecue with rolls.

Anything else you'd like to bring would be great.

We've all had a bad winter-broken down houses, illness and absolutely no energy. But we're hoping for a turnaround and we're going to hit it hard now that it's summer.

We're hoping all of you that are doing histories by July 4th will bring them with you.

We'd like to set up a goal for the next generation-Grandpa Harvey M. Rawlins and his children's histories.

Thanks so much.

Julia Rawlins and Judy Ball


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