November County Court 1800 for Green

This Indenture was proven by the oath of William Sutton one of the subscribing witnesses and is ordered to be certifyed.

Test James Allen

Green County Sot

this Indenture was full proven by the oaths of Benjamin Bayles and Benjamin hollind to be the act and Deed of the said Robert Sharp and that the same is truly recorded in my office Given under my hand this 21st day of July 1801.

Test James Allen

I, Marie B. Pierce, Clerk of the Court for the County and State aforesaid hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the deed as appears of record in my office in Deed Book No. 2, page 293.

Given under my hand and seal of office this 27th day of January 1862.

Marie B. Pierce, County Court Clerk

By (signature) Elizabelle Wade D. C.

This Indenture made this sixth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousands Eight hundred Between Robert Sharp of the County of Barron and State of Kentucky of the one part and John fissher of the County of Green and State of Kentucky of the other part witnesseth that the said Robert Sharp for and in Consideration of soom of sixty pounds to hiom paid before the insealing & Divisening of them presents the precept of which the said Robert Sharp doth hereby acknowledge that granted and sold and by these presents doth Bargain and Sell unto the said John fisher and his assigns all that percelous tract of Land situated on the waters of little Russele Creek Beginning at a Spanish oak and Gum about Two poles assapalhring Running thence S 45 E 87 to two Beech trese thence 45 E 180 poles to a Gum and to Dogwood thence S 45 E 39 pole to the Beginning including of two hundred acres of Land to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land with Every of its appertainences to the said John Fisher his heirs or assigns forever & the said Robert Sharp do for himself his heire Executors administrators do Covenant and agree with the said John Fisher and his heirs and assigns forever and that it may at all times hereafter have hold possess & injoy the said Land & pertinence with apperdainnence and discharge from all Right or Claims that the said Robert Sharp or other person or persons Lawfully Claiming the said Land by poseses under hisn and the said Robert Sharp his heirs to defend said Land & primess with the appertainances to the.:said John fisher his heirs and assigns forever against hisn the said Robert Sharp his heirs or assigns and all other person whatsoer by these procurement shall and will warrent and Defend forever by these presents in witness whereof the said Robert Sharp have hereunto set his hand & seal the day and year above written

Signed sealed and Dated in the presents of us

Benj Bayles ) x

William Sutton x

Benj or x Holland


Robert Sharp (SEAL)

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