About the Rawlins in early days. Joseph Rawlins

Notes -- From History of Laurence Co Ky, Published in 1876

The first settlers of Laurence Co. Ind, left Lee Co Va. in the spring of 1809. They came to Kentucky and stopped until 1810 when they came to this county. These families were succeeded in 1813 by Roderick Rawlins and his two nephews Joseph Rawlins Sr. another old Kentuckian who’s birth dates back to 21 Apr 1796. He came here with an Uncle Roderick Rawlins and a brother in 1813 and settled on White River at the mouth of Mill Creek. He together with his uncle and brother made a clearing of about 15 acres, during the winter of 1813-1814 and fenced the same. In the spring they planted corn, potatoes and some garden vegetables upon it. In June they went to Charlestown Ind. and joined the county rangers of which mention has been made. they made their general head quarters at Fort Harrison, 3 miles north of Terra Haute on the Wabash, but were engaged in scouting the country along the Wabash and White Rivers and their valleys very often going far into the interior of the State. They were discharged from the service about the first of June 1815. In coming back to the settlement they had made in White River.

Roderick Rawlins brought his family from Fort Maxwell and made a permanent settlement with his two nephews in this County. Mr Rawlins is now (with the exception of John Gutherie who is still alive) in (1876) the oldest living resident in Laurence Co. He has been in business here upwards of 30 years. Commencing about 1829 and has taken a trip south on a flat boat to New Orleans every year. during his business life he was elected County Commissioner in 1850 and served a few terms. He then resigned saying he was "not cut out for public office," he has since retired and is now living a life of leisure in Bedford a highly respected and much esteemed citizen. Joseph Rawlins was the oldest living resident in Bedford in 1876.

This article also mentions that the first courts were held at the house of James Gregory about 20 March 1818. (James Gregory is father of Judge Gregory of the Supreme Bench.

Quote "Our thanks are here by tendered to A.H. Dunihue Joseph Rawlins Sr. the county officers and many others who have furnished us information."

I got this from Geo F Rawlins & Nellie they were sent this from the Genealogy Society when they sent some names of the Rawlins people. I got it 1 Feb 1950

From Eulalie Taggart’s notes.

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