(Typed from a handwritten transcription of the original provided to Julia Rawlins by Bert Rawlins.
The copy was annotated "From Joyce." -- S. L. Rawlins, August 1997.)

James Rawlins & Wife Deed

Roderick Rawlins & Rachel Morrow Executers for Samuel Morrow desd.

Recorded Nov 19, 1835.

This indenture made and entered into between James Rawlins and Jane Rawlins his wife of Adams County and state of Illinois on the one part and Roderick Rawlins Executor and Rachel morrow Executrix of the estate of Samuel Morrow decd., of Greene County and state aforesaid of the first part witneseth that the said James Rawlins and Jane his wife for and in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars to them in hand paid by the said Roderick and Rachel executer and executrix as above stated the receipt they do hereby acknowledge and confess themselves therewith fully satisfied have bargained & sold and do by these presents bargain and sell and convey a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Greene and state aforesaid unto the said Roderick and Rachel as above stated for the use and benefit of the above named Rachel Morrow and the rightful Heirs of Samuel Morrow deceased in common (?) Her life time then to descend to his hers as above stated it being the North half of the west half of the southwest quart of section ten in Township Glean (?) north of range Eleven west of the third principal meridian in the District of lands offered for sale at Edmundsville. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land as above stated with all its appurtenances and benifits unto the said Roderick and Rachel Executor and Executrix for the use above stated forever. And we further Covenant and agree before in dealing (?) Here of. The we are legally possessed of the said tenet of land by virtue of a grant from the United States do so warrant and defend the title of the same unto the said Executor and Executrix as above stated for the use above stated against the claim or claims of any other person or persons of whatsoever m____ (?) They may be.

In Testimony whereof we have __________with our hands and Seals this twenty first day of November in the year of our Lord on hundred eighth hundred and Thirty Four.

Signed and sealed presence of

Edm Magruder James Rawlins (Seal)
Seth Chipman. Jane Rawlins (Her Mark)


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