(Scanned by S. L. Rawlins in May 1997 from a copy provided by Julia Rawlins.)



August 25, 1959
Written by Velora Rawlins Haws

Frances Loretta Huff was born to Thaddeus and Frances Marier Russell Huff on August 25, 1870 at Richman, Cache County, Utah. She was the third child; having two brothers older.

Grandfather filed on 160 acres of land north of Richman and moved with~his wife a~d children. They homesteaded there in Lewiston, Cache County, Utah. He built a log house at that time. Grandfather and Grandmother had ten children born to them on this farm, making thirteen children in all. The first few years they were bothered with the Indians begging and stealing and fighting among themselves-- even a buck Indian was killed a short distance from their home. The children were always afraid of the Indians.

Grandfather was a hardworking; prosperous farmer. He grew everything they needed to assure them a good living. Mother remembers well the sugar cane that was harvested and taken to the mill where it was made into molasses and sorgum and put into kegs enough to last for a year. Everything was taken care of at home. The pork was cured and smoked, the beef was dried, the vegetables were pitted, and the fruit dried. Grandmother made the lye she used in the soap; she also made the candles they used. They had cows to milk and raised fine horses.

Mother and the other children walked 2 miles to and from school until cold weather came and then they went on horseback. The first school house was a two-room Log house with one teacher for all--and a strict one at that.

Mother, being the oldest girl, learned to do housework very early in life--helping with the younger sisters and brothers. She also helped with the cooking, washing, ironing, mending, and anything at hand. Grandmother made all the clothing, even the men's suits. This was done by hand for many years. They were all truly thrilled when they bought their first sewing machine. They knit all stockings, mitts, and gloves. The older children helped in this work. The family enjoyed themselves together. They often had their friends in for candy pulls and a good time. They built a new farm house where the family grew up.

The oldest brother (Wilton) died when a child; the second one (Samuel) grew to manhood and died of a kink in the intestines. The sister just younger than mother (Abbie) was like a twin. They dressed alike and were together in all they did until they were married. This sister died in childbirth, which was a sad day for them all.

Having the ability to do all types of homemaking, mother helped out in many homes. She loved to stay with her grandmother, Abbigal Thorne Pond.

Mother went with her Uncle Joseph and Mandy Pond to help cook for men who were building the railroad. The following spring she was married to Alma Frost Rawlins in the Logan Temple-- March 26, 1890. It was customary at that time to be baptized again before one went to the Temple. So they drove to the river In a sleigh, were baptized, wrapped themselves in quilts, and drove home to grandmothers where they changed to dry clothing. Then they went to the Temple. Father's brother, Franklin A Rawlins, baptized them. After returning from the Temple they held a wedding reception at the home of mother's parents where they received many lovely gifts. They bought furniture and moved to a house by themselves.

On July 10, 1892, a baby girl (Zenna Dean) came to gladden their home. Mother was very sick for many days afterward. They had the Dr. from Logan attend her. She recovered slowly. On October 11, 1893 a baby boy (Veldon Huff) was born, for which they were very happy. Both of these children had very dark hair and blue eyes. Sixteen months later, on February 17, 1895 a tiny red haired baby girl came (Abbie Velora) also with blue eyes. Mother truly had her hands full. On December 1st, 1897. the fourth baby came (Vera) which was a girl with golden hair and blue eyes. Father and mother both had dark hair and blue eyes. Mrs. Talbet was the midwife at all of these births along with Grandmother Huff who was a very good practical nurse and had been called to help in all kinds of sickness.

In 1898 father and Uncles John Crawley and Jeff Huff came to Idaho and filed on a 160 acre plot of land each. In the spring of 1899 they moved their families from Lewiston, Utah to Teton, Idaho, built two-room log houses on their land, and moved their furniture and what other belongings they had by covered wagons. Mother, with the four small children spent the summer there proving up on the land while father had to work elsewhere to support the family and buy the necessary equipment to work the land. At times, it was a frightening experience. (3 12 miles east of Teton which is now Newdale District.)

We moved into Teton in the fall so we children could attend school. The year before the second boy (Alma Narvel) came, was spent on the H. S. Ranch feeding cattle. There was another family lived next door--Will Ricks Family. They became very good friends. We all came back to Teton where Narvel was born January 19, 1902. He had dark hair and blue eyes. A short time later Father bought a lot in town (Teton) and built a two-room log house. We spent each winter there and moved to the farm in the spring. Father always had some cows to milk. Mother would churn the cream and make butter which she would sell to customers in town. Of course there were chickens and pigs to help out with the living.

Mother made all our clothes -- even the men's shirts. She was a wonderful seamstress and a very good cook. When we were small children, mother would put quilts on the frames in a vacant house across the road from where we lived on the farm, and she spent many days quilting alone to prepare for the cold winters.

Veldon, the oldest boy, wasn't very strong. He had asthma in his early life. At the age of 19 years he took sick with diabetes and passed away June 10, 1912. This was truly a sad time for father and mother, and also for his brother and sisters.

The following year on January 4, 1913 a baby girl (Zola Loretta) came to help fill that vacant spot. She was indeed a welcome baby. She had dark hair and blue eyes also.

Grandfather Huff died in Teton, Idaho May 4, 1918 at the age of 84 years. That same year father sold the home in Teton and built a home in Newdale. They had a few years of very poor crops, experienced the depression along with many others, and lost the home. They bought another where they lived for many years.

Mother helped Sister Christenson with the sewing of burial clothes here in Newdale and also helped with many in Teton when we lived there. She has been a member of The Relief Society many years and a visiting teacher in Sugar City while they lived on a farm east of Sugar. They also lived on a farm at Moody Creek for a few years.

In the winter of 1933 father and mother did work in the Logan Temple. Nola and Wayne Hansen took care of the home while they were away. Grandmother Huff passed away in Nampa, Idaho June 11, 1937 at the age of 91 years. Mother and father had 58 enjoyable years together before his passing, May 11, 1948. After this, mother lived with Clarence and Velora the first few years. She sold her home and had a small home built next door to Clarence and I, and has lived there and taken care of the home herself up to this date. After the age of 80 years she has embroidered many beautiful pairs of pillowcases and scarfs.

Mother has never grown old even though she is 89 years of age. She is just as particular about her appearance and as tall and stately as she was many years ago. She has ever been a shining example of kindness and good works to her family and all she knows. Mother has a strong testimony of the gospel and is found in her Church meetings every Sunday It Is possible for her to attend. For many years she has been honored on Mother's Day as a great great grandmother. She is loved by the aged and the young. She died July 23, 1954 at Idaho Falls, Idaho.

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