Written by Daughters Zenna Haws-Velora Haws-and Zola Allen

(Scanned by S. L. Rawlins, May 1997 from a typed copy provided by Julia Rawlins.)

Father was born in Richmond, Cache, Utah Oct, 23 1866. Mother was born Aug. 25, 1870 she was born in Richmond, Cache, Utah. Dad died May 11, 1948 and Mother died July 23, 1965.

They came to the Upper Snakeriver Valley in the spring of 1899 or 1900

Dad with Uncle's John Crawley and Jeff Huff came ahead of the family's 's and built cabins on the land they choose. They went back to Lewiston, Utah for their family's.

Dad drove the covered wagon with the family which consisted of Mother (France L.) and four children Zenna, Veldon, Velora, and Vera, Zenna was only about six years old.

It took a week to make the trip to Teton City they stayed the first night with friends, the rest of the time they camped along the side of the road. They remember of gathering sagebrush to make fires to cook the meals. Uncle Roy Huff drove the wagon with the furniture. Dad and Uncle Roy slept under the wagon while Mother and the children slept in the wagon.

They arrived in Teton in the Spring of 1900, in order to prove up on the ground they had to live on it. Dad had to get a Job shearing sheep to provide a living for the family.

Mother and the Children lived on the land, the place they homesteaded is now owned by Gorden Clark, it is one mile north of Newdale, of course there was no Newdale at that time. There wasent a fence between Teton and the farm. Many times they were very frightened.

Mother was such a good homemaker, she put on quilts in an old abanded house and quilted them all by herself. She also made the childrens clothes besides haveing a garden, she bottled much of the garden produce as well as drying corn and apples.

They moved to Teton in the winter so the children could go to school. Zenna remembers going to a one room school house in Teton, it was a long room where all grades were taught; there was two teachers, It was located where the old stone school house stood for years. She also remembers one time when she stood to close to the stove and her clothes caught on fire, her teacher Lucy Salsbery rolled her on the floor and put out the fire the teachers burned her hands quite bad.

Narvel was born in Jan. 1902 in Teton. That same time Zenna had Diphtheria she was ver sick and Dad slept with her and nursed her back to health. Dad was very good with the sick.

When the Sugar Factory was being built in Sugar City, Dad was working hauling material and staying on the job, they slept right there, he had a beautiful team and one night someone stole them, they hunted and hunted but couldent find them. Dad was heartbroken for that was the only way he had of makeing a living and he loved his horse's. Grandpa Rawlins sent up from Lewiston a buckskin mare to him ,and the good people of Teton took up a collection and he was able to buy another horse so he could go on with his work. Dad loved good horses he broke and trained them for other people.

Veldon contracted Diabetes when he was about 19, he was very sick from in the fall until June of 1912 when he died. The Dr.'s dident know how to treat it, there was no insulin to help.

The following Jan. 1913 Zola (Allen) was born. They were very happy because it helped to fill the void after loosing Veldon.

The Railroad had come to the small town of Newdale, and we moved up there in 1918 or 19. It was really a growing community, there was a Bank, Cafe, Hotel, Hardware and Funiture store, Two Lumber Yards, ~ Drug store, Butchershop, Grocery store and some other places of business.

The first school was along builsing on main street where Shane K1ingler's house now stands, all grades were taught there. That is where Zola started to school. We lived in several rented houses while they were building a new home for Dad and Mother, it is the one two houses north of the Church, where Morgan Evens lives now. We were very happy in this new home for a while, then the depression came and most all lost there farms and homes. My Folks were one of these.

We Moved into a two room house that belonged to Clarence and Velora they were in California where he had found a job. We lived there for quite a while until Dad and Mother could get enough to buy the house they lived in until Dad died. It was located where Brent Clarks Place is now. Dad died in 1948 at the age of 82. Mother lived there for a short while when she had a small home built just south of Clarence and Velora where she lived until her death, she died July 1965 she would have been 95 years in Aug.

We all married and lived here in the Valley: Zenna married Spencer Haws: Velora married Clarence Haws: Narvel married Jennie Brown: Zola Married Paul Allen, Narvel did move to Labell where he farmed until his retirement. They built a new home in Blackfoot where he lived until he died in 1981. Jennie still lives there.

Vera and Claud always lived in Teton they have both passed away, she died in Jan 1977

Mother and Dad were very good parents they dident make any great mark in the world but there children remember them as the best. They loved the Church and did what ever was ask of them.

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