Sketch of Goudy Hogan by Lillian H. Culver


Almost everyone loved my father. He was a mild mannered man and the soul of devotion to his family. Affectionate and tender towards Mama and over-indulgent with us children. it's a wonder we all didn't grow up to be snobs because he actually taught us that the Meadow Larks sang, "Hogan's girls are pretty little girls", and we believed him.

His happy disposition was always mirrored in a cheerful countenance and his optimism over his tasks made them seem sheer pleasure. His greatest concern was for our happiness and there was hardly anything he wouldn't do for us.

Some of the happy memories of my childhood were the special occasions when Papa would entertain us by the hour, cording for himself on the piano and singing the melodramatic songs of his day. Two Little Girls in Blue; After the Ball; and one we all liked, "I'll Do Anything You Say If You'll Only Name The Day That You'll Give An Honest Irish Lad a Chance". One that tore our hearts and left us weeping ended: "She's dead in the coach ahead." That always stopped the show.

Our home was a happy place. Mama and Papa gave us an abundance of love and provided us with plenty of wholesome activities. They took pleasure in our joys and satisfaction and pride in our accomplishments. They shared our sorrows too, and felt them very deeply. In fact, Papa was so sympathetic by nature, it was difficult for him to comfort us. Yet to those outside he was a tower of strength and solace and consolation.

It was also difficult for him to advise and give council to his own family. Perhaps we did not ask it, but I'm afraid we did not profit as much from his wisdom and experience as others did.

Because our parents were deprived the education they desired, they were eager that we have every advantage. They took pride in affording us our college education, our music and travel, to enrich our lives. And as they were generous with their love, so were they with financial assistance. Papa, in his bounty, tried to lift the load for all of us. He was a mountain of support and made everything easy for us. Perhaps that is why none of us have reached his heights in achievements.

He was born February 5, 1871 at Richmond, Utah, the fifth child of Ann Nelson and Goudy Hogan. When he was 5 years old he moved with his parents to Southern Utah where Brigham Young had called his Father to help colonize and build up that area. At nine he returned to Richmond with his mother and brothers and sisters. His father remained in Dixie for several years.

His childhood was so different from the life he was able to give us. While in Dixie he was privileged to live the United Order, but he told us little about it. Of his childhood in Richmond he often spoke. I remember the pity I felt when he told how his dear mother would sprinkle a bit of sugar on the lard spread on his bread as a special treat for him. He always spoke so tenderly and lovingly of his mother.

His early schooling was at Richmond and later he attended the .B.Y.C. at Logan for a short time. At the age of fourteen he went into Idaho, along with men working on the railroad and from that time on assumed a man's responsibilities.

He courted pretty Minty Rawlins, riding over to Lewiston on his pony, old Nev. She remembers the first time they met. A group of young people had gathered after Hacrament meeting one night. He was among them. She wanted to see what he looked like so she struck a match and held it to his face. I suppose she liked what she saw. Later when they ~ere "going steady" one evening she alighted from a sleigh in the snow and exclaimed, "Oh, I got snow in my garments". Papa was aghast. To him, garments meant Temple garments and he wondered if Ye were courting someone's second wife, so he demanded to know then and there if she had been "spoken for".

On November 9, 1892 he married Elva Arminta Rawlins in the Logan Temple. In
1894 they moved to Lewiston on the farm Papa later purchased and farmed as long as
he lived. He bought a section of the land my Grandfather Rawlins homesteaded in
1871, directly across the street from his farm and there established his home.
First a log cabin and later our present home. On that same quarter section my
Mother has lived for over 91 years.

To them were born nine children:

  • Nara Belle 1895
  • Lloyd Raw1ins 1896
  • Fred DeBois 1900
  • Afton 1905
  • Muriel (Billie) 1910
  • lone 1895 (who died at birth)
  • Edwin Clayton 1898
  • Lillian 1904
  • Arminta 1908

In 1901 Papa was called to fill a mission in the Central States. What courage and fortitude it must have taken to leave his farm and Mama and four small children. Mama was frail and not Geared to the role of a farm hand. And she admits she was scared half to death of Indians all the time he was away. But while he championed the cause of truth in Oklahoma (Indian Territory) and in the mission office in Kansas City, Missouri, Mama had no mean struggle with the farm and the cows and piloted the little brood safely through all the children's diseases and some major ills as well, and waged a constant battle against the ever present wolf.

Papa returned in 1905. He was sustained in the Bishopric of the Lewiston First Ward in 1905, a position he held until 1915 when he was ordained Bishop. He served in that capacity until 1921. In humility he gave advice and counsel in public callings, and won and enjoyed the companionship of good men and great men. He was faithful to his own ideals yet he was most charitable. He was forgiving when stronger critics would have condemned. I have heard him say, "A word of encouragement is worth a volume of preaching". He was extremely sympathetic and especially tolerant and understanding of young people. Our home, during those years, was a refuge for young people who flocked to him for help and guidance.

In 1921 he was sustained to the Presidency of Benson Stake, in which capacity he served until 1932 when he was ordained Stake Patriarch. Among his letters while he served in the Presidency of the Stake I found this beautiful tribute from a devoted admirer: "I learned to love you when I was a deacon and that love has grown to maturity. Brother Hogan, what a faithful heart you have, and may God crown eternal blessings upon your head for the care you have given my soul. I could pray in my heart that all my brothers were like you, who possess the mildness of a lamb and the integrity of Job, the meekness and humility like unto that of the Christ. I love you with all my heart".

With the same devotion and undaunted strength that he served his community. he w4s a rember of the Cache County School Board for 20 years. Eight of which he was president. He was Secretary of Cub River Irrigation Company from 1915 to 1920 and President from 1920 to 1927. He was a director of the Wm. Budge Memorial Hospital for 20 years; a director of Lewiston State Bank for 12 years and Vice President from 1940 to 1948. He was instrumental in securing the right-o-way for the Utah-ldaho-Central Railroad Company. He was sent by the Amalgamated Sugar Company to Washington, D.C. in 1921 to lobby for a bill in Congress concerning the beet industry of Cache Valley and he later became field Superintendant for that company

He was a member of the City Council; a member of the Seventy Quorum and the High Priest's Quorum and Mayor of Lewiston for one term.

He never retired from his life of public service nor did he retire from actual work,. His farming activities he relegated to his son Clayton, who carried on after his own pattern. Until his last illness he was active, vital, full of enthusiasm and drive. he stood erect and walked with almost a strut. Always groomed and meticulous about his dress. He made the most of every day he lived. He suffered a stroke in the summer of 1948 and died October 6, at the age of 77.

Lillian H. Culver
May, 1960

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