The Journal of Elizabeth Lamb

In my 69th year, thinking a sketch of my life would be of some use to my children, I will write from memory not having kept a journal. I was born in the town of Quincy, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, the 24 of October 1831. Am not large, brown hair, blue eyes, light complected. Am the daughter of George Gotlieb and Julianna Hoke Zimmerman, they were both natives of Germany, they came to this country in 1804.

Father was the son of Johann Georg and Rosina Margaret Pregizer Zimmerman born July 23, 1785. (George) When about 21, he went into the army against (Napoleon) Bonaparte the 1st, served 1-1/2 years, was taken prisoner by the French he stayed in France 2 years. While there, he worked at the saddlers trade and learned it. He also learned shoe making. He was exchanged for a French prisoner, he was treated well as a prisoner. Not wishing to fight them he made up his mind with some others to go to America, he had to desert. As that was his only chance. So one night they camped near a city they got permission to go to a dance it was on the bank of the ocean. A ship was ready to sail to America they made a bargain with the captain to bring them and they were to pay him when they got to this country when they got here a man paid their fare they had to work for him one year his life was not all smooth.

He was a little below common sized man, brown hair, blue eyes, fair complected, quick motion, he could speak Latin, French, German, and English, he taught the three last languages in school. He had a good education. He came to Pennsylvania the same year mother did. (Her name was Julianna Hoke. She also came from Germany.) He afterwards became acquainted with her. She was good looking, he fell in love with her and they were married April 4, 1816 she was the daughter of Lawrence and Christina Fredericke (Hartmann) Hock. She was a common sized woman, black hair, black eyes, light complected, quick motion and carried herself very straight. She was born Nov. 25, 1798.

They had 12 children Jacob died as an infant. Christina, she married Abraham Stevens had 3 children, 2 boys, 1 girl. Sarah Julie married James Parks, boys died as infants. He died in Garden Grove. She married Ezekiel Hopkins had 2 girls, Lydia Baxter married Willard Baxter, one died an infant and she died in Lehi. John married Harriet Laura Lamb. They had 6 girls and 5 boys. He married Eve Christina Beck (second wife) they had 2 boys 1 girl. Mary, Manuel, Catherine all died as infants. Julia Ann married Charles Horatio Drury they had 1 girl, Permelia married Samuel Matkin, 2 boys, Charles Horatio, he died. She married William Clark had 1 boy, he died, 1 girl, Rose Talbot married Albert Talbot. Elizabeth married Suel Lamb had 7 girls and 3 boys. Margaret married John Brown they had 7 girls and 3 boys. Friedrica died when 6 years old, Susan married John Conrad Naegle, had 2 girls, 1 boy. She married William Anderson Terry. Had 4 boys, 4 girls. Rosannah married John Conrad Naegle had 4 boys, 2 girls.

When grandmother left the old country she left her oldest child with her mother she never saw her again. Her babe died on the sea, he was thrown in the water. She (grandmother) died soon after mother was married. So her father (grandfather) lived with her (mother) most of the time, he died at our house. His wish was to be buried in a plain coffin with no paint on it. I can remember well he had a horse. He would put 2 or 3 of us children on it and let us ride it to water, he was religious but did not join any sect, he said there was no Church on earth like it was in the days of the Saviour, but there would be.

Mother enjoyed his company so much he was so kind to us children. Some of mother’s sisters lived with her part of the time. She was kind to them all so was father good to them and they never forgot them. My parents moved often when father taught school twice to Virginia and once to Maryland. John was born there. I have been there twice on a visit. They bought a farm near the Blue Ridge Mountains thinking to settle there for life, but the Lord overruled it different. It was a nice place for a home. I spent some of my childhood days there and some very happy times I have had roaming over the mountains and see the lovely springs and gather huckleberries for they were plentiful.

We had a large dog that went with us and never left us. He would kill every snake he could find, we were safe with him. The mountains were full of iron. We could raise different kinds of fruit and there were was plenty of different nuts grew there. We had a lovely crick run near our house, it came from some springs a few miles up in the mountains. I had many good times skating on it.

There were a number of Germans lived there so we learned to talk both languages. In 1842 Elders Faust and (Daniel) Garn came to our house, mother knew B. F. when he was a boy so he came to see her. They held meetings in our house. She had been sick for a long time, she was under the care of 2 Doctors they told her they could do nothing more for she must look to the Lord for help. She said if she had to give herself up to the Lord when the Doctor could not help her she would have no more doctors for her nor her family and she never did. The Elders promised her if she had faith and would be baptized she would get well and she did get well. They cut the ice to baptize her. Daniel Garn officiated. He belonged to the United Brethren, she was religious so it did not take her long to know the Gospel was true. She was baptized first, it took father longer to investigate, he belonged to the Lutherans, he said the “Voice Of Warning” done more to convince him than anything else. There were quite a number came to our house to be baptized in the creek. Levi Thornton baptized father about 1841.

I remember falling in that creek and came near drowning but help came in time to save me or I would have been under the sod long ago. The Lord had a work for me to do I hope I will be faithful in doing it. In the spring of 1844 my uncle Jacob Hock came to pay us a visit, he persuaded my parents to go back with him to Illinois he lived in Ogle County near Grandnitufe. His wife became demented, her parents lived in Virginia they wanted him to bring her home thinking the change would do her good, but she got worse, they put her in an asylum, she was there for 20 years and died there, her children never saw her again after she left home. Mother took care of his children he gave her his babe to keep, she was about 1 year old.

When we started West with the Church he was sure the Indians would kill us or we would starve, he was not willing to let her go this was in the spring of 1846, it was hard for mother to give her up we only lived there 2 years. It was a lonely country to live in part timber and part prairie, it was not far from Chicago then a small town. In 1846 us and Jacob Secrist went to Nauvoo we were the only Saints in that part of the country. We had to stay in Nauvoo 1 month, father had a large mare in a corral with our cattle someone stole her and broke the fence down and let the cattle go so they had to hunt for them and found them all but the mare that made the team light. While there, I went to meeting in the grove and in the Temple when it was dedicated. Four families of us crossed the Mississippi River, it rained and the mud was deep, we camped there about 1 week that was our first experience in outdoor life. We went to Garden Grove. Mother left all her folks, it was a great trial for her, she loved them, but she never saw any of them afterwards. Father and her were the only ones that joined the Church. One of her sisters, Catherine Eyerby came to Utah years after Mother was dead and lived with us children and died here, but never joined the Church.

I went all through the Temple up on the tower. We had a large ox in our team that had a head and horns just like the oxen under the fountain, when we were traveling along so many made the remark that he was the image of them in the Temple. He was a fine red animal. We had such muddy roads and had to travel slow, none of the men ever drove oxen before it was a hard trip for us, but we got there all right. The first thing they done was to break land with large plows and from 6 to 8 oxen on them, take an axe and cut it into the sod and drop corn in that was all they had to do till the corn was ready to gather, it was called sod corn. Then it was fenced into a large field for all the settlers. We lived in our wagons and tent all summer.

In the fall Father and Levi Thornton put up a log house one room for each of us. We lived there the first winter then we had both. It was built of logs about a yard long and covered with clapboards split out of logs about a yard long and about 1/2 foot apart. One rafter under and one on top. Sometimes the snow would sift it through the boards. I well remember one night it snowed all night and the wind blew. Us girls slept in one room, in the morning the snow was half a foot deep on out bed. Mother brought us dry clothes to put on for ours were all covered with snow. As soon as our corn was large enough to grate, we grated it on graters and made bread of it. Then as soon as it would do to shell we ground it in hand mills. I have walked a mile with a bucket of corn, two of us went together and ground it to make bread. The mill was fastened onto a tree. Corn bread was all we had to eat. When we raised wheat it was ground and sifted in meal sifts after awhile there was a horse mill put up.

In 1846 I became acquainted with Suel Lamb. The first time I ever saw him, he came to our house one Sunday in company with some other young folks. In August 1847 I was baptized by John W. Smith who became a bitter apostate. Confirmed by Bros. Hunt and Shirtliff. The men had to go to Missouri to work to get something to eat and get our fitout (outfit) to come to Utah. Garden Grove was a lovely place to live in part of the town was in the timber, and part in the prairie. Father went to Missouri and taught school among strangers, but we did not feel to murmur nor complain. Us girls learned to spin and weave and make our own clothes. My sister Juliann went to Missouri to learn to weave coverlets. I wove one just before I was married and had it for years. We had some lovely times there were so many young folks lived there they did not care to get married till they got to their journeys end.

My brother John got married and stayed one year after we left. We left Garden Grove the 17 of May, 1851. Arrived in Salt Lake City 24 September, 1851. Father was old and never drove oxen so we got a boy to drive our team, Al Clyde. There were about 20 families of us a number of young folks. There were more joining our company when we left Winter Quarters. Our number was 50 families and 60 wagons. Harry Walton was our captain, he had traveled the road before. We stayed in Mount Pisgah several days. It was very rainy that spring and lots of mud and heavy loads. When we got to Winter Quarters our team consisted of one yoke of oxen, one of steers, one of cows. When we got near the old camp ground, our lead steers turned and led the team into a slough to get a drink and turned out wagon over into the water. Our things, most of all got wet so did the bedding. We camped 2 nights and had a gay time drying our things and a good time sleeping with most of our bedding wet but none of us took cold. The Elk Horn River was so high we could not cross it so we had to head it and had to travel several hundred miles further. Apostle Hyde took charge of 5 or 6 company. There was no road and it drilled our teams. It took us one month longer. It was a wild country. Thousands of buffalo could be seen. One day we could hear them come a roaring noise when they were miles away. They came straight for our train. We could not get out of the way so half of the teams stopped and the others went on. As they came up the hill and passed between the wagons, ours was the second one that stopped. It was a fine sight to look at. We had to give them room or they would have run over our teams. There was about five thousand of them. It took such a long time for them to pass. The men put ropes on the oxen horns and loosed them from the wagons. The women and children got in the wagons. It was a scary time for our cattle were so afraid of them. We had some of their meat. It was fine we could cut it in slices, salt it, and string it on sticks and jerk it over the fire to let it dry. It was sweet and good. We were in a wild country. Our cattle got so they could hardly be controlled. There were a good many stampedes.

Whole trains would run at breakneck speed. Spect half of our teams stampeded. One woman by the name of Ellen Weingsley jumped from her wagon, as she did so the next team and wagon run over her and she never breathed again. She left one child and sister. It was hard for them to leave her in that lonely spot. She was washed and dressed and some goods box put in the grave and she was put in and left. One day we travelled, all day till dark in deep sand. We had no water only what we were hauling. It was very hot and our teams almost perished. When we got to water it was a warm slough and full of live wrigglers. We strained and boiled it before we could use it. Then set it in the slough to cool it. In the night the buffaloes came near enough to frighten our teams and they stampeded so we had to camp there all day. We all washed in the boiling hot sun with no wood. The men had to hunt all day for them and found some with the buffaloes and had hard work to get them. One of our cows was with them. She was so wild they had to lasso her so they could milk her for the boys were almost perished. They said they could never have reached camp without a drink so she saved them. They were so glad she was there. Sister Tomson (who was Sister M. I. Horn’s mother) died and was buried by the Platte River. The lonesomest night I ever spent, Betsy Crooks and I set up with her. There were a few wagons camped to one side so as to be out of the noise. We could hear the buffalo pass to go to the river. They made such a roaring noise we were frightened. There were 2 births in camp. There were many interesting things to see such as the Chimney Rock, the Lone Tree, the Devil’s Gate, and a cave we went in to it, Independence Rock, we would climb on rocks, almost mountains. I often think it was dangerous. We might have run among wild beasts.

Two or three days before we came to Salt Lake, Sister Farrer sent us some garden stuff by boy and sent some to all the company, but he sold some of it, that vexed her, but we did enjoy it after not having green all summer. We never forgot her kindness to us. We had many good times. We would camp at night, get supper make our beds and our chores would be done. When the boys would scrape of the grass and we would dance as if we were not tired. We had 2 good fiddlers and several good callers in camps. The men had to stand guard every night, 7 till 12, then 12 till morning, rain or shine. Sometimes it would rain and the mud would be hub deep. We would have to double teams from 6 to 8 yoke of oxen on a wagon. We crossed one stream, it was so deep and no timber to build a bridge, so they cut long grass and put it in and a few wagons crossed and they had to put in more. We camped on one side of the stream one night and on the other side the next morning and the men worked so hard all day. There was 2 wagons emptied and put into the stream, one behind the other and the women and children walked over. That was fine for us all to sit in the boiling sun all day on the grass. For a long time we had to burn buffalo chips as we called them or dung. There was no wood to get. Then we got to wild sage, it was worse than the chips. The first night to it, oh how sick I got of the smell. We had to do all our cooking with it everything was seasoned with it. When the wind blew, we could not relish our meals, but the Lord provided for our needs.

We used tar to grease our wagons with the tar was carried in buckets swung under the wagons. We were getting short, but came to a tar spring. The men filled the buckets with tar. I did not see the spring but saw the tar. It was so far for the women to walk so we missed seeing it. Our supply was flour, meal, beans, dried bread, crackers, dried apples, sugar and milk, with some butter and bacon and a few dried parsnips. No wonder we were glad to get something out of a garden.

One man killed a very large tortoise and divided it to 5 or 6 families only kept one meal for themselves. It was fine, it was the only one I ever tasted. Our company was heavy loaded and had to walk so much. I have walked 20 miles in one day. We had good health all the time for which we thanked the Lord many times. It was fun to see the green teamsters drive unruly teams. They would run around behind their wagons to head their teams if they were off. I will relate one incident of the hundred that I saw. . .

One man, a clothesman, he has a 3 yoke on his wagon. He never handled a team before. He was a blacksmith and had his heavy tools in his wagon, oh the times he had. One day we crossed a stream and had to go up a long steep hill, all had to double teams when his wagon got part way up the hill the chain next to the tongue broke. The wagon and the wheelers went back in the creek so the end gate dipped water and most of the things got wet. The wagon had to be unloaded.

All along the route, if any man had a mean ox he would sell it to the Saints. We had the largest ox in the company. He could start the load himself, but if he took a notion not to pull, they could not make him. He was good most of the time.

We left Garden Grove the 17 of May and arrived in Salt Lake the 24 of September in good health, stayed there a short time then we went to Lehi, Utah County in 1851. This was settled in the spring before, there was only 15 families. We lived in one of Samuel White’s rooms the first winter. They let us have half of their house only ours did not have a floor in it. They were willing to live and let live. They did not charge us rent. Father made and mended all their shoes and us girls helped do her washing and would milk and help her. Mother done lots of her knitting so we paid our way. The Bishop offered to help us with Tithing and donation but we would not take anything. Us girls would work at any kind of work we could get. I have worked and got wheat and meat, anything we needed. Father was old and could not do hard work, he got plenty of shoemaking to do. We would rather be independent and pay for what we got. There were good crops raised that summer. Such fine squashes we dried the tithing squash on shares, that was our first. We were glad to get to our journeys end but we had many lonely hours after being out doors and on the move all summer to settle down to house work.

Everyone and everything was strange to us. The Saints were very kind and sociable to us. It seemed odd to see old and young join in the dance. I liked it. In Garden Grove the aged did not dance.

In the spring, Father got a lot and bought a log house out on it. I slept in a covered wagon 2 winters. In the spring of 1853, we moved into a fort. The Indians were so hostile there was a company of men that tore down the houses, hauled them on the fort ground then another would lay up the houses and at night the folks would stay in them, soon had them up again. When we were crossing the plains we came to large beds of salaratus, white as snow. We gathered some, it made good bread, we brought some with us. It was all the kind of soda we used. That is all the settled used it.

Suel Lamb crossed the plains in ’52 and went to Pleasant Grove in the summer of ’53 he went on a years mission to Fort Supply among the Indians. While he was gone his folks moved to Lehi so he settled there. I was married to Suel the 30 of November 1854, in Lehi by Elder Lorenzo Hatch and sealed in the Endowment House by President Heber C. Kimball and got our Endowments in fall of 1856.

We had 10 children, Elizabeth Victoria, Julia Ann, Susie, Harriett, Emaline, Olive Rosan, were born in Lehi. In the fall of ’65 we moved to Hyde Park where Suel Erastus, Margaret Elsie, Myra Christina, George Zimmerman, and John James were born. After we got married, we lived with mother 1 year, 1 week, and 1 day. Suel was the son of Erastus and Abagail Jackson Lamb. He was born March 1, 1833, in the town of Huran, Wayne County, New York, he was baptized when about 8 years old by his uncle Seth Jackson, while they were living in Nauvoo he was bit by a rattlesnake, on his left hand between his thumb and fore finger, he was gathering Hazel nuts he came near dying they took him into the Temple and he was baptized and soon got better. He believed that saved his life.

I have lived to see one century out and another in. We have not has as merry a Christmas and Happy New Years as we do other years, we have had no entertainment this winter, there has been so much sickness, typhoid fever, and diphtheria. There have been 7 death, twice 2 corpses at a time, one death and one on New Years day. There is a funeral today and a corpse in town.

Who even will read this, I do hope they will excuse all mistakes. I am not able for the task I have undertaken as I write from memory and I have been a great sufferer from neuralgia in the right side of my face for 5-1/2 years. Sometimes I am almost wild with it there is a sharp pain goes through my face like lightning. I am a little better this winter for which I thank my Father in Heaven for.

I am so thankful that I have lived to see the 19th century come in. I have one brother and four sisters that have this blessing. My Father and Mother saw the 17th century go out and the 18th come and had the great joy in having the privilege of living in the century the Gospel came on the earth. With Prophets and Apostles as in days of old. We do not know how to be thankful enough for the many blessings we enjoy. I have 9 children living, 44 grandchildren living, 10 dead and 3 great-grandchildren all in the Church. I think I have cause to rejoice and be thankful. My husband has been a worker in the Temple nearly 2-1/2 years, he enjoyed it so much. He is a little larger than common sized men, black hair, blue eyes with little grey in them. His father was a common size man with black, curly hair, his mother was a large woman.

I want to write some to my granddaughters and tell them how the girls spent their time in Lehi after we moved into the fort. It was built in a square with the doors inside and a mud wall on the outside of the houses. The houses were close together most of them joined. We all had one room so you can see we did not have much room to work in. All the girls in Lehi could spin, we had a large log meeting and school house. The Bishop told the girls they could take their wheels there and spin, sometimes more than a dozen would spin at a time. I think I hear you say they done lots of playing, but I tell you we did not. We would talk and laugh perhaps talk of our beaus. It’s so long ago I don’t remember. We would spin 40 knots or 12 cuts a day. We tried to see which could get done first. Then we would go home, get supper, do a few chores, then often the girls would go for a walk. We were afraid to go outside of the wall for fear of meeting Indians, we would take a walk around the fort and pass close by every door and stop and talk so you see we did not get lonesome. I know every soul in Lehi. When Saturday afternoon came, we would put our wheels away and clean house. We used to have dances, there were Sunday Schools, but no Primary or Mutual meetings, so the girls did not have as good a chance to inform their minds as the girls do now.

The Indians came around begging so much we could not keep bread on hand. They were the Utes. They would steal anything they could see. The squaws stole my first frying pan. One stole Mother’s dress off the fence. Juliann saw her in Springville with the dress on and told her it was her mother’s dress in Lehi. She said she swapped for it. The people of Lehi put up a house with 3 rooms for some Indians. There were 2 families they called them Wanship. There were 2 old men, 2 old women, each had a girl and a boy. One couple got married. They used to go with the young folk. One was Patsy and the other was Chancy, the girls named them. The boys were Jim and Joe. Jim was Chief of a tribe of Indians a few years ago. If he meets one of the Lehi boys he is glad to see them. They would live in the houses a while, then go off and stay a while. At last they left for good. There was an Indian camp about a mile from town. One of the men died, all the rest cried and howled like a pack of wolves all night long and kept most of the folks awake. Speaking of Indians, makes me think of some we saw on the plains. We camped in a hollow at the foot of a long hill for dinner and turned our teams out to feed when we saw several hundred coming up the hill. They were all on horses. It made our hearts stand still. We were all terrible scared. We had no way to defend ourselves if they had been hostile. After they got near our camp we saw a buggy coming and then a lot more on horses. The one in the buggy was an agent. They were going to Fort Laramie to get supplies. We did not feel so afraid when we saw a white man with them.

Suel’s father died on the plains in July 1852. He had been walking and driving cows and got warm and thirsty. They camped at night by a spring of good water. He drank heartily that night. He died with the Cholera that night. A number died with it. One of Suel’s cousins died with it on the plains, her name was Hulda Jackson. They were wrapped up in sheets and their own folks had to bury them. It was so contagious on one would go near it. It was hard to leave dear ones in that lonely place and without a decent burying, but many a poor soul was left by the road side with nothing to mark the spot. The Cholera was bad in 1850. Emaline McCarthay a lovely young woman died. We were such good friends in Garden Grove. There was none in ’51 but in ’52 it raged again. We think it hard to lose our friends when they are at home and have a good bed to lay on, and are buried nice, but think of laying away with their everyday clothes on as many have been and no coffin, an old goods box laid in the grave and as soon as they are covered, drive off and never see it again. It was heart-rending to see it. In travelling, we came to so many graves. The first time I saw President Snow was in Garden Grove. He came to Father’s house to stay over night and was caught in a snow storm and he had to stay several days. We all liked to have him stay, he was like an old friend. It was snowing hard, when he came in the house. He said; “Well, I think you folks will freeze, Snow in the house and snow out doors.” In 1855, the 19 of October our home was blessed with a sweet little girl, Elizabeth or Libba as we called her. She entered in the law of celestial marriage. She had no children. She died 29 of June 1882, in Hyde Park. She lived in Logan, was President of the Young Ladies Association and secretary of the Relief Society at the time of her death. She always went to Sunday School and was a teacher. She belonged to the choir in Hyde Park. To know her was to love her. He was Bishop and she would tend to fast donations. She was so kind to the poor they all loved her. It was a great trial to her not to have any children, she was fond of children , but she never wanted any one else to raise, she would say if she did not have any of her own she did not want to raise others. How I missed her. She died at our house. She came to stay a few days and was taken sick and never went home again.

In the fall of 1857, my husband went to Echo Canyon to help keep Johnson’ s Army from coming into Utah. They said they were going to hang Brigham and the leaders of the Church. They had their ropes already to do it with. He did not help burn any of the wagons but he saw where they did burn them. They would tell the teamsters to take out the things they had in the wagons and then take off the team then they set fire to them and burned them up. The reason they done that was to keep them back as they did not wish to kill any of them. Their coffee beans, rice sugar molasses, soap, well all their outfit lay in a crisp. The men never took one thing. They were counseled not to bother the army till it got so late they had to stay in the mountains till spring. The weather got cold before he came home and his shoes wore out. He froze one of his feet so his toe was sore all winter. His foot has always got cold in the winter. On Christmas he had a present of another lovely baby girl, Julia Ann. She married Joseph B. Roper, December 28, 1877, the Endowment House. She had 3 girls and 7 boys, 3 of the boys are dead and has 4 grandchildren. She lives in Preston. On the 12th of January 1860, we were blessed with another sweet baby girl, Susie. She married Wm. Hawks in the Endowment House, in Salt Lake the 11 of October 1878. She lives in Preston. She had 5 girls and 5 boys. One girl and one boy are dead. On the 23 of February, 1862 we had another lovely baby girl, Harriet. One was just as welcome as the other. She married James Johnson December 23, 1880 in the Endowment House. She had 3 girls and 7 boys, two died and a twin. In May 30, 1864, another sweet baby girl was born. Olive Rosanne. She married Joseph Johnson the 29 of October, 1884 in the Logan Temple. She had 6 boys and 1 girl. She lives in Preston, so does Harriet. They all belong to the Relief Society and are all active members and hold different offices. They were all born in Lehi.

Today is my 70th Birthday, October 24, 1901. My first house was one room of adobe with a dirt roof on it. It was plastered and sealed overhead. One door, one window, and a fireplace. After our family increased we had more built on with shingle roof on. It belongs to the Presbyterians and now they have a church on it, and school is taught there. I spent some of my happiest days of my married life there. My parents and their children lived close by, so did my husband’s. Now they are scattered from Idaho to Mexico. We don’t see each other for years.

In February, 1864, my husband married a Swiss woman, Anna Wis. She had a girl 10 years old, Elizabeth Mary Snaball. She was hard of hearing and her speech was affected so she cannot speak plain. She lives with me. Anna crossed the plains with a handcart, arrived in Salt Lake the 11 of September, 1857. We lived in the same house and ate at the same table most of the time we worked together, spun and wove our own cloth. She died January 1, 1879 in Hyde Park.

We moved to Hyde Park in the fall of 1865. On the 20 of November, 1866, our first sweet boy was born. We named him Suel Erastus. He lives in Hyde Park. He married Phebe Thurston, December 12, 1888 in the Logan Temple. He has 1 son and 5 daughters. Elsie, another lovely girl was born April 19, 1869. She married Joseph T. Sharp. She had 1 girl and 5 boys, 1 boy is dead. She lives in Preston. Myra another lovely girl was born April 19, 1871. Married Joseph B. Daines October 24, 1889. She had 4 boys and 2 girls. One girl is dead.

In 1878 she (Myrna) had a lump come on her tongue. We doctored it for several years thinking it was canker, but it kept growing. Two doctors saw it and said it was cancer and could not be cured with a knife. She was administered to often and went to the Temple several times. The last time she went she fasted 4 days. Her father and I fasted 3 days and a number of the family and neighbors fasted the days she went. She was baptized 7 times and was administered to and promised she would get well and she did. It has never troubled her since. That was a great testimony to us that the gift of healing is in the Church the same as it was in the early days of the Church.

Another sweet boy came to our house, George Z., was born August 2, 1873 married to Jane E. Grant, June 6, 1894 in the Logan Temple. Elsie and Myra were married in the Logan Temple.

John, a sweet boy came to bless our house on the 4 of October, 1875, he married Tracy Thurston, March 5, 1896 in the Logan Temple. The last three live in Hyde Park.

Suel’s father was born in the fall of 1804 and died in 1852 on the plains. His mother was born July 26, 1808, died January 2, 1883 in Lehi. Her name was Abigail (Jackson) [rather than] Mindwell. His father’s name was Erastus. He had 1 brother, James Jackson, he married Elizabeth Ross. Harriet Laura, his sister, married John Zimmerman, died February 22, 1899 in Lehi. James is dead. Polly Emaline born January 11, 1842, she married Robert G. Hopkin.

When Myrna went to the Temple her tongue was as black as coal and swelled so she could not talk plain. The workers could hardly understand her. As soon as she stepped in the font, the pain left it and she is well. The workers saw it before she baptized and after. They were surprised to see the change.

Excuse me from going from one subject to another, as I am writing from memory.

The boys all belong to the different Quorums and associations. Elsie and Myra belong to the Relief Society.

I went to the dedication of the Logan Temple. I have been through it and helped several times to clean it. I was there when the ground was dedicated and done a great many days work in it for the dead. I was at the Salt Lake Temple when the Cap Stone was laid and when it was dedicated and went all through it. I feel that I have been greatly blessed in having such blessings bestowed on me.

I feel more thankful every day I live for the Gospel. I have never had a doubt in my mind about any of the principles of the Gospel. I have faith in the Elders laying hands on the sick, for many a time my children have been healed. Oh how many blessings we do enjoy in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are greatly blessed.

January, 1902

My husband worked in the Logan Temple 3 years as a worker. This winter he is working on his Genealogy of the Lamb family. My family have worked for a large genealogy. We have done all we can till we get more names. There has not been much sickness this winter as last. Erastus worked as a worker in the Temple 1 year. He is Counselor to the President of the Elder’s Quorum, and President of the Hyde Park Choir. Joseph B. Daines worked as a worker in the Temple 1 year. He went on a mission about 2-1/2 years ago. Had to come home because he was sick with consumption. He came very near dying. He was operated on and was going to be again, but the Doctors found he was too weak. The Doctor said he could not live for more than a day or two. He was surprised when he came again so see him alive. Said it was no Doctors skill that saved his life, but fasting and prayer, that his wife and friends offered in his behalf.

Myra has been appointed teacher in the Relief Society. She takes her babe in arms and goes when duty calls her.

July 8, 1902

From here on non-important material has been left out. These deletions are designated by . . . . .

Today I have been to my nephew’s funeral. . . . My husband was counselor to Bishop Daines while he was Bishop of the Ward. It will be the 24th of July in a few days. It reminds me of the 24th in 1857 when we went to the head of Cottonwood Canyon to spend the day. There was a company went from all over the country. There was about 8 families went from Lehi. My husband, myself, Father, Mother, John and wife, Polly Lamb went and the Bishop and family was in the company. We started in the afternoon of the 22, went to the mouth of the canyon and camped for the night, then the next morning went up the Canyon. President Young, his Counselors, the Twelve were there with their families and a number of brass bands. How lovely they sounded. The first thing on the morning was to climb onto the highest peaks and put up flags. There were a number of sawmills in the canyon. They took up lumber and made dancing floors. A number of them all that wanted to could dance free. There was no money spent on the trip. We all took our picnic with us. We had short speeches and the bands played and then rest of the time walked around sight-seeing. There was a beautiful lake there. It had a small boat on it. It was a lovely place for picnic. In the afternoon, Porter Rockwell and another man came into the camp at breakneck speed on ponies to inform President Young of Johnston’s Army coming into Utah. The President called camp together and made a speech. He said it was 10 years that day since the pioneers landed in Salt Lake, and he said on that day if they will let us alone 10 years we would be independent of them.

George went on a mission in July 23, 1897. He was gone over 2 years and came home August 28, 1899. There were the president and 5 Elders. They went to open the Northwestern States Mission. He was President the latter part of the time. He is one of the Seven Presidents of the 132nd Quorum of Seventies, or of Religion Class and teacher in Sunday School. We received a letter from John the 5th of August written the 31 of July saying Elder William R. Cutler was buried that day. He died the day before of black smallpox in the Pest House. There were 5 Elders in the Pest House. They said at the Pest House they were the sickest men that ever had been there. Five Elders were quarantined but they were released in time to go to the graveyard. The Doctor sent 2 closed cabs for the Elders to go in. They had short services at the grave. The undertaker said it was the best sermon he ever heard. Burial cost $275.00. He had a casket and box with metal lining in it so he can be brought home in 1 year.

We have just been to Logan to an Old Folks entertainment. Had a fine time, had a program and picnic. We have received another clipping from my cousin Joseph Hocks of Nova Scotia, which I will insert here.

An Interesting Relic

As described by the Daily New Dominion, a West Virginia paper.

A relic which is very greatly prized by its owner is in the hands of Judge Holk of Kingwood, who is Consultant Windsor, Nova Scotia. This is the original of a patent issued by the Patent Office nearly one hundred years ago to his Grandfather. The patent itself is a curious document, being made of an extremely durable parchment which is apparently as well preserved today as the day it was issued. The writing is legible, and the ink seems as clear as it ever was. It was issued by Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, and James Madison, Secretary of State, who together with the Attorney General formed the patent commission at the time Feb. 16, 1808. Their signatures are attached to the document, they are very plainly written, and look as they might be preserved another one hundred years before fading away. The Great Seal of the United States is placed on the parchment, and several bunches of ribbon are fixed to it. It is tied together with ribbons.

The document itself is a patent for the first Threshing Machine invented in America. It was invented by Lawrence Hock (German for Hoke). Among the exhibits at St. Louis will be found this patent which is to be framed and hung among the exhibits of threshing machines to show the progress which has been made in this direction during the past hundred years.

My brother John has seen the machine and saw it run. They kept the old relic in a barn. When my Grandfather died his son Jacob got the patent, he prized it very much. I saw an old letter that said Grandfather’s funeral sermon was preached by Christian Lesher. His text was Joseph, Third Chapter, 10 and 11 verses.

I went to the October Conference, heard Brother Joseph F. Smith speak and a number of Apostles. I enjoyed that very much. I made a short visit to Lehi and Pleasant Grove to see my brother, sister and their families.

January 1903 . . . I just thought of a close call my husband had when he was a boy. Him and another man were in a canoe crossing the Mississippi River, the water was very high. The boat tipped over and went down the stream. They had hold of it. There was a man on the bank with a boat. He rowed in and got them to shore or they would have been drowned for they lost their oars.

This is Sunday, March the 8th . . . The Relief Society was organized in May 1868. I joined when it was organized. Abigail Hyde was President. In 1872 when I was appointed teacher, have been one ever since. I have enjoyed my labors very much in visiting the Sisters and seeing the sick and trying to comfort them. There was an old folks entertainment in Logan on the 31. We went and had a nice time, a good program and dinner and foot races. My husband ran with Marian Lewis and beat him. I have mentioned going to Big Cottonwood Canyon, I thought I would copy the tickets we got.

Pic Nic party at the head waters of Big Cottonwood.

President Brigham H. Young respectfully invites __________ and family to attend it. Pic Nic party at the lake in Big Cottonwood Canyon Friday 24th of July.

Regulations. You will be required to start so as to pass the first mill about four miles up the canyon before 12 o’clock on Thursday the 23rd as no person will be allowed to pass that part after 2 o’clock of that day.

All persons are forbidden to smoke pipes or cigars or kindle fires at any place in the canyon except on the campgrounds. The Bishops are requested to accompany those invited from their respective wards and to see that each person is well fitted for the trip with good substantial teams, wagons, harnesses, hold backs and locks capable of completing the journey without repair and a good driver so as not to endanger the life of any individual. Bishops will before passing the first mill furnish a fill and complete list of all persons accompanying them from their respective wards and to hand the same to the guard at the gate.

Great Salt Lake City July 18, 1857

The tickets were sent to the Bishop’s and they put the names on them. Of those they could recollect. Suel’s name was put on ours.

September 5. It is 10 years today that Magga Roper was married to Wm. Fellows in the Logan Temple. It was Suel’s Roper reception today. I was to it. He was married on the 2nd in the Salt Lake Temple to Ida Bingham of Ogden. . .

January 1st. . . . I just got a letter from Sister Rosan and niece Sarah Park from Torquerville. She says she saw Dr. Brenner a blind man. I knew him 40 years ago. He is the smartest man she had seen. He works in the St. George Temple. He can quote Scripture and quote can converse on any subject. He took her husband all over town and told him what kind of houses people lived in. Sarah done the writing.

of January. . . L. Hatch has been here and gave my husband and my self a Patriarchal Blessing. . . .

....of June. I resigned being a teacher in the Relief Society on account of ill health. I am not able to do my duty. I have been teacher for about 32 years. I received a letter from Wm. Hawks, Jr. He was in Maine. Him and his company traveled 15 miles to a small town. They could not get a house to preach in so they tracked all day without a thing to eat. They asked at 25 places the people would not let them sleep in a barn. He thinks they were afraid they would eat some hay. He does not know if they looked hungry or not. He is sure they were. They slept under a tree till five then it rained. It poured down. They traveled and came to a place where a man was milking and asked him if they could stay in his barn, but he refused them, so they went on and came to a house and got something to eat. When John was on his mission in Alleganey Pennsylvania, he went 30 hours without anything to eat and had to sleep in a barn till morning when they got so cold they had to get up and walk to get warm.

20th September. My brother John came here from Idaho on his way to Lehi, stayed 10 days. We had such a good visit with him. He is 84 years old. On the 21st of September, Susie Hawks, Susie’s girl was married to Taylor Nelson of Riverdale. They were married in the Logan Temple.

17th of October, 1904, Erastus’s 9 month old baby had a tumor the size of a walnut cut out of her leg, it is all right now...

The 30th of November we had a reunion of our family on our 50th Wedding Day. All of our children, their wives and husbands. I have 9 children, 56 grandchildren, their wives but 2, Lawrence Johnson and Wm. Hawks who are on missions, 5 great-grandchildren, all were here. Ninety-two in all. Eighty-four all of our family, my sister Julia was here. Brother Lorenzo W. Hatch was here. He married us in Lehi 50 years ago. He blessed us all, said it was a wonder we could get all but the 2 missionaries together. It was impossible to get all his family together. He suggested we organize and hold yearly gatherings. It would be of great good to the family if we did. We all gathered at Myra and Joseph Daines house. She was the leader in getting it up and took her part in waiting on the rest. My husband and I furnished the dinner and supper and the children helped cook it. There wasn’t all peace. Myra was so jovial, little did we think she would never meet with us again. . . The old folks of Cache Stake went to the Thatcher Opera House to a comic opera “Billie Taylor” by the students of the B. Y. College. On the way home the halter strap dropped. I said; “Oh, that makes me think of a runaway I was in and soon after we were married.” James Lemon and my husband were called on by the Seventies to go to Cedar Valley to preach. There were a number lived there that crossed the plain when I did. Thinking it a good chance, I went too. We had two small Indians ponies with the tips of their tails cut short. After we got over the Jordan the halter strap dropped and scared them so Brother Lemon could not hold them. They went like the wind for several miles over sage and ruts but we were none the worse for our fast ride. I have had the saddest day of my life to record. It is the death of my daughter, Myra Daines. She died April 5th, and was buried the 7th, 1905 in Hyde Park. She was sick about 6 weeks and it turned to blood poison and brain fever. She had 2 good doctors and we all fasted and prayed. The Elders had all the faith they could get but we could not keep her. She left 6 children, her babe about 16 months old. All her brothers, sisters, their husbands, wives, her father’s mother and her husband children were at her bedside when she passed away, or in the house. Susie and Wm. Hawks came to his mother’s funeral, while there they went to Myra’s funeral and his niece’s baby’s. Three of their relations. Myra lacked a few days of being 34 years old. Her death was almost a death blow to me. I have been sick most of my time since January. She was a faithful woman, kind and loving wife and mother. She set a good example to her children. She never tasted tea or coffee. Oh , how she is missed in her family. . . . .

November. We all went to Preston to a reunion of the Lamb family. We all went on the train, 28 in number. We had a meeting, a program, dinner and supper. Ninety-five were there. The Bishop, Bro. Caver kindly offered us the use of the meetinghouse to gather in. He and wife were there. All of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were there, but Lawrence Johnson, Wm. Hawks and George Johnson who were on missions. We missed Myra and George who were there last year, but there were some new babies there. I received a letter from Lawrence Johnson. He went to Columbus, Ohio to conference and went to Kirtland and in the Temple. I think that was a great privilege to go in the first Temple that was built in this generation. How many blessings we as a people receive. I often think we do not appreciate them as we should. December 25. I have been home all day. My sister Julia and Sister Elkins ate dinner with me. The weather is cold but fine. It has been so for about a month.

Seventeenth of March. The old folks are having an entertainment at the meetinghouse today. George is helping me to take the folks there. He tried to get me to go. He was to take us. He said he would drive up to the gate for me and take me to the door, but my face ached so. I had to stop 5 or 6 times while I ate my dinner. It is a fine day, so I think I am better at home. When that flood was in Mexico, last fall, two of my nephews lived there. George Naegle’s house washed off and they lost everything they had. Heber’s house did not go but he was met with quite a loss. There were 40 houses that all went, but his and the school house. I went to Preston, was gone 3 weeks, came home on the 14th of May, found my husband in bed. He had a rupture. He went to Logan the same day and was operated on. He had 3 doctors. He rallied from the ether and chloroform. He slept some last night. On the 14, Zella, Erastus’s girl died, over 7 years old. Most of my children came to the funeral. On the 18, Orion Roper started on a Mission to Germany. He left under trying circumstances. His grandmother Roper lay a corpse in the house when he left.

July, 1906 Amelia Kirby became insane and had to be taken to the mental hospital in Provo. I received a letter from George Johnson. He said they went to a house where a sick man lived. They had dinner there, then he talked about baptism. He sent his son to get a wash basin and asked him to baptize him by sprinkling. He told him he could not. I got a letter from George Johnson. He is in a part of the country where there are no friends nor Saints. They had to sleep in the woods three nights inside of two weeks. One night the asked for entertainment at sixteen places. They had to sleep in the woods. It got cold by morning.

The 20 of August . . . I went to Preston on the 20 to Myra’s wedding supper intended to stay for our reunion but we did not have it. The boys children had such bad coughs, they were afraid it was whooping cough, and they did not like to expose any of the children so Pa did not go so we gave it up, but the children felt so disappointed so they brought some turkeys and had Thanksgiving dinner. There were 77 there of us. All of our own family, but the Bishop and wife and 8 others. Every child was there only George and Orion who are on missions. They all enjoyed themselves fine. We had dinner in Olive’s house. . . . .

On the 8th of June, my brother John, and his daughter, Elaine, came to see us. On the 13th we went to Logan to an old folks reunion and had dinner in the skating hall. We had a nice time. The Governor of Nebraska came in and talked a while. There was a large company of them. He said had travelled 35,000 miles. They found the people of Utah the most hospitable they had met. He spoke good. He is a fine looking man. A small boy took him a large bunch of flowers. He thanked him for them, shook hands with him, put his arm around him and kissed him. He was on the gallery when he came down. The handcart folks stood there. He shook hands with all of them and then stood by the door. It rained most of the day but we had a good time. Setta was one of the handcart company. Uncle John has gone to Preston, went Saturday, came to Logan, Wednesday. That night A. J. Evans came. Next morning they phoned for us to come. Suel, myself, Setta went and spent the day. Juliann, Lida and Willard Boxter, Magga Roberts were all there for dinner. My husband saw the Prophet Joseph Smith and heard him preach. He was at the meeting when the mantle of Joseph fell on Brother Brigham Young and his voice was like Joseph’s. That convinced the Saints that he was the right one to lead the Church. . . .

On December 11, my dear daughter Olive went to Relief Society meeting, paid one dollar donation. She was Treasurer. The next morning her husband was cleaning a clock, put the wheels in some coal oil, and set the basin on the stove to warm, not thinking to let it get hot. It got a blaze when he took it off. The babe was in the buggy about a yard from the stove. He run to the door, threw it out just as her and her little boy between 3 and 4 years old she was jumping him along. The blaze set them on fire. He got a quilt and got the fire out but their faces, necks, hands, and arms were all blisters. Frank died a quarter to 11 that night. She died next evening 20 minutes past 4. We got a phone saying they were burned. Erastus and John went as quick as they could. George and I went on the 8 o’clock train in the evening and stayed till she was buried. She died on the 13th. Her Pa had been sick with the grip so he was not well enough to go. Her oldest son, George, was on a mission, had been gone 25 months. He was released to come home. He got home on the 9 train. She was buried on the 17. She left 8 children a baby 21 months old. Two doctors were there as soon as she was burnt. All was done that could be. Their hair was all burned off so we could not get any to keep. They had many friends. It was the largest funeral I ever was to. It was in the Academy. It will seat 12 hundred. All the alleys and stairways were crowded and several hundred were outside. The schools and store, all business houses were closed while meeting lasted. I went to meeting but could not go to the grave yard. It was too cold. Each had a casket but both were put in one grave. It was a hard sight to look at them. I never saw so many shed tears as they did there. Brother Parkinson phoned Brother Smith about George coming home. He sent his sympathies to the family. We cannot see why she had to die such a hard death but our Father knows what is best. Our hearts ache, are hard to bear. She was a noble woman, affectionate wife and mother dearly loved by her family. Why did she have to leave us. At the funeral the song “O My Father” “The Lord Is My Shepherd”, “We Need Thee Every Hour”, “Sometime We’ll Understand” Prayer by J. Jensen, E. Bodily, the speakers were S. Thurston, J. Larson, J. E. Dalley, T. Greaves, Pr. G. G. Parkinson, Wm. M. Daines, J. Geddes, Bishop G. Carver. A sleigh was covered with white, carried the caskets which were covered with beautiful flowers. A lovely white wreath of white flowers the brothers and sisters brought, with these lines in the center written by Professor Johnson. I will insert them below.

    A mother has gone and her little child too
    To the land of the faithful the good and the true

    A mother most true and a child very dear
    Have gone from the realms of our earthly sphere.

    As we praise in life’s race to visit brier
    To gaze on the casket and drop a sad tear

    Our lips cannot utter the sad thoughts that we feel
    As before their remains in sadness we kneel.

    But we feel that the Father before whom thou ask
    Will heal up the wound in our bleeding heart

    In the future day when our spirits soar
    We will greet them again in that other shore.

My husband went to Preston the day before Christmas and stayed 11 days with our children. Olive died in Preston, Oneida County, Idaho. There was some sickness among their children. James Thurston died the morning Olive was burnt. . . . .

Our garden has been so nice till the last 2 nights. Everything is froze and our lovely flowers too. It is Sunday the 27 (August 1908) I am here alone. Crops are good and fruit is plentiful. How the Lord blesses us. We do not know how to be thankful enough. I feel so thankful for the Gospel and that I have a name and standing in it. I know it is true. I never and a doubt of it for one moment.

On the 16th of October, George was working in the sugar factory in Logan, got his foot mashed on his left foot between 2 cars. He was put on a car and taken to Logan to the Budge’s hospital. One toe and the side of his foot was taken off. The Dr. are trying to save as much of his foot as they can. On the 14 was my 77 birthday. All my girls and Erastus’s and John’s folks came to surprise me, brought me some presents and chickens, pies, and cake. We had a fine dinner and a good time. Julia and Harriett only stayed 2 days. Susie and Elsie stayed one week and went to the Temple 4 days. After George went to the hospital, Jane had a fine boy baby. He has not seen him yet. This is the 16 of November. At our 50th Wedding, my children gave me such a nice gold ring. I wore it 4 years and lost it. I feel so sorry about it. We have such lovely weather. Erastus and John have just got back from the hospital. George had another toe taken off, he passed through the ordeal all right and came out of the chloroform all right. My dear brother John died on the 17th of November, 1908 in Lehi. He was 88, the 3 of October My husband and I, Julia Drury, Susan Terry, Helen Egbert went to the funeral. It was large, accompanied by Black Hawk Veterans were there, 4 on horses rode ahead with a flag, then a hack full of them, then the pallbearers, grandsons, then the hearse and family next. The Presidency of the Stake were there and spoke and some of his neighbors all spoke of his kindness to the poor. One man spoke of his sending 2 tons of flour to St. George when it was scarce and sold for $23.00 per 100. He furnished team and had it sent there and gave it to the poor. I remember it well, he kept four yoke of oxen, a wagon, and sent back to the Missouri River after the poor. He had them ready every spring for years. He sent his son, George, one summer as a teamster. He would send provisions for the teamster, he leaves a large family. He was not baptized till he came to Utah. He was afraid he could not live up to the covenants. He paid tithing about 6 years before he was baptized. We stayed to the reunion of the first settlers of Lehi and in honor of the fort wall. We were among the first settlers. We came to Lehi in ’51, a few came in ’50. They erected a fine monument. The first child born was Zula Cos, the boy was Moroni Royel. They unveiled the monument. Apostle Lund’s wife was among the first children born, he was invited to dedicate the monument. He was sick so Apostle J. F. Smith came. We had a lovely time, saw so many old friends, had a nice program, the school children sang it was lovely. Brother John’s name was on the program to speak in behalf of the first settlers. . . . .

On the 11 of July, we got a telegram to say Elsie was not expected to live. That was 5:00 p.m. Pa, myself, Erastus, and George went on the 7:00 train. We started about the time she died, 7:00 p.m. She leaves a husband, 7 children, 1 grandchild. A baby about 28 months old. Oh how sad, this makes 3 girls that have died in a little over 4 years, 21 motherless grandchildren. It is hard for me to bear.

Yesterday, the 15th (February 1910) we went to Erastus took picnic, his folks and hers. The occasion being Loran is going on a mission. They took all the children, being about 100. He is in Alabama. I have the neuralgia on the right side of my face. Had it 15 years. It gets worse every year. On the 25 I went to the hospital, was operated on my face. He had a needle 1-1/2 inch long and as thick as the prong on a table fork, and injected alcohol in it. I have had 3 operations, still I am as bad as ever. The 13th of July my boys went up Logan Canyon to Bear Lake after wood. It rained hard through the night, the first rain we have had since March. I did not take chloroform for anything else. I think I was brave for an old lady nearly 79 years old. My husband is gone to the Temple today. . . .

Our family numbers January 1, 1911:

  • Children, 3 male, 7 female, 4 females dead
  • Grandchildren, males 47 females 28, total 75
  • Grandchildren dead, males 9, females 4, total 13
  • Great-grandchildren, males 11, females 10, total 21, dead, males, 5
  • Grandchildren married, 12
  • Son-in-law, 7 daughter-in-law, 3
  • Grandson-in-law 4, granddaughter-in-law 8
  • Living 100, dead 22

On New Years Day we went to Maggie Fellows for dinner. When Ida went home she kissed me good-bye and said; “I guess I will not see you again if you go home tomorrow.” I never did see her again. On the 2nd she gave birth to a baby girl, it died the same day and she died on the 3rd. Was buried the 6th in Preston. My children all went to the funeral, so did Brother Lamb, I was not well enough to go. I spent a lonely time at home. Sarah Park came to see us. She stayed 3 days. We had a good time. She is lonely her husband was home all the time.

Elizabeth Zimmerman Lamb died June 10, 1911 at her home in Hyde Park, Cache County, Utah at the age of 79 years.

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