
Revision History

1.16 1999/10/12
  • Replaced hardcoded ../gif with $gif_path.
  • Use " instead of ' in hotlinks in order to allow ' in text string.
1.15 1999/10/10
  • Added support for WebbedGed.cfg file for overriding default options.
  • Made all output files lowercase to support a wider variety of web servers.
  • Correctly qualified output data with $lds_ord option.
  • Generate WebbedGed_frame.html and form.html on fly.
  • Added option to create gendex.txt file in support of the Gendex database.
  • Removed references to www.rawlins.org -- Gedcom file location configurable.
1.14 1999/09/29
  • Added Gnu Public License.
  • Changed name from g2h to WebbedGed.
1.13 1999/09/20
  • Added timestamp at bottom of generated files.
  • Fixed Netscape bug for using frame option.
  • Pre-load images for button bar to improve performance.
1.12 1999/09/19
  • Caused note link destinations to not use frame.
1.11 1999/09/12
  • Added button_bar for transitioning among pages.
1.10 1999/09/06
  • Allow HTML references in notes to span multiple lines. Notes with a trailing backslash are continued on next line.
1.9 1999/09/06
  • Changed printing of data to files to first print to temp string.
1.8 1999/08/24
  • Implemented support for use of forms for displaying vital info.
1.7 1999/08/16
  • Implemented recursion algorithm for generating 5 generation pedigree charts.
1.6 1999/08/13
  • Fixed bug when more than 8 children -- 600/$num_children should be 600/$num_left.
  • Made vital info titles bold.
1.5 1999/08/11
  • Consolidated printing vital info into create_vital_info task.
  • Included LDS ordinance info.
1.4 1999/08/07
  • Added popup window when mouse goes over name link.
1.3 1999/07/26
  • Automatically convert all notes with http: identifier to hot link.
1.2 1999/07/25
  • Set *Notes* delimeter to <h3>.
  • Set each note line end to <br> instead of <p> to keep consecutive lines together.
1.1 1999/07/25
  • Initial revision

Download the gzipped WebbedGed.pl,v.gz or zipped WebbedGed.pl,v.zip RCS File.