Family Group Pedigree Chart People Surname

Margaret Hubbard

Birth: 17 OCT 1647, Ipswich,Essex,Massachusetts
Death: 11 NOV 1716, Ipswich,Essex,Massachusetts
Baptism: 3 SEP 1918
Endowment: 25 APR 1919, LOGAN
Seal Parents: 12 FEB 1934, LOGAN
Married John Pynchon on Abt 1673 at Springfield,Hampden,Massachusetts
Sealed on 12 FEB 1934

Nathaniel Rogers Margaret Crane
Mary or Margaret Rogers
Margaret Hubbard
m.John Pynchon

John Pynchon

Margaret Pynchon

William Pynchon

Family Group Pedigree Chart People Surname


!Genealogical Department could not verify the dates Bap. Endw. seal . so they

notified me the work in Process.(Patron Notification.)Temple File 502 5344 55

!SOURCES: IGI 7233627-67

Family Group Pedigree Chart People Surname
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